Sunday, 29 April 2012

Another mile.


Oh, in my dream.

But this..

Can consider. (Husband, please take this into account)


Du'a is powerful.

Don't you realize that du'a is so powerful? 

We knew about it. Since our childhood we were told by our parents and teachers to pray and make du'a. But how far do we know about the powerful of du'a?

Truthfully, prior to this, I just made du'a and made du'a and made du'a.... And hopefully Allah will answer.

I remember one time. When I sat alone in my room. Silent. Praying to Allah. That time I felt sick. When I felt sick, it then dragged until a month. I prayed to Allah to give me a good health therefore I could perform my prayer well again. I kept on making du'a until I cried. I never felt so sincere like what I felt that time. MasyaAllah! In 3-4 days, I felt much better I just couldn't believe it! So amazing! Seriously incredible! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! 

Things to share. As referred to one speaker from YAPEIM. I think he's Ustaz.

Signs your du'a has been answered :

1. Understand your du'a.
2. Make du'a with all your heart. (Be sincere is important)
3. Try to remember your past mistakes/sins.
4. A quiet moment. (Alone)
5. Burst into tears. (Without you being conscious of it)
6. Will have a good blood circulation. (bulu roma meremang)

Du'a is important. We will feel very close to Allah. Make du'a for whatever things (good) you need and desire. And always believe Allah will fulfill your du'a. Never despair doing it. 

Because we are all servant and Allah is The Creator and Lord of the universe.

LO manual.

I've been appointed as liaison officer for one of the biggest events held here. For a week! Frankly, I am not ready for this. And I don't even want to be appointed. 2 reasons :-

a. I have need to be with my family this coming weekend.
b. Zero experience, what else?!
(Second reason is okay - I can gain experience and improve my interpersonal skills bla..bla..blaa..)

I know. I know. The job of liaison is a critical one. It can have a large impact on the efficiency as well as on the perception of stakeholders regarding the officer and the organization. This is undoubtedly an eerie thing!

Anyhow, once appointed, you must do your home work! 

1. You need to know who is your VVIP - background/achievement
2. You need to know in depth about the program.
3. You need to know other participants involved.
4. You need to know locations involved.
5. You need to manage your time wisely. Avoid tardiness!

What is the utmost important for LO is to be prepared spiritually, mentally and physically. 
Forget your make-up. (But do take care of your body odor yeah?) 
Forget your appearance. 
Forget your wrinkled clothes. 
Forget about you. 
All you have to think is your VVIP.... 
Does she feel hungry? 
Does she feel uncomfortable? 
Does she wear appropriate clothes? 
Does she feel tired/getting bored? 

Always be around your VVIP. She might need something. Every 5 seconds, who knows? 

Yeah, my VVIP is an astoundingly great women on earth. She makes my jaw drop. Really. 14 books. Over 40 research papers. Wooahhh... stunned profile!

YAD Datin Paduka Profesor Dr. Jamilah Ariffin. (Address her Datin Prof.)
All the way from Johor ....... my hometown ooh!

I don't know about other things. I may left few important reminders. These were what I got during last week's briefing.

Pray I will do great okay!

Saturday, 28 April 2012

pretty pretty fasha

source : rotikaya (why not rotimarjerin?)


Simple. I love simple. Because what does matter is LOVE.

for you women!

We (women) have to make du'a during our menstruation period. Yes, for barakah and protection from Allah.

Saidatina Aisyah RA meriwayatkan,

"Tidak ada daripada seorang perempuan yang kedatangan haid melainkan adalah haidnya itu menghapuskan dosa-dosa yang telah lalu daripada segala dosa-dosanya dan sekiranya ia membaca doa (di bawah) pada hari yang pertama."

Segala puji bagi Allah di atas segala hal dan aku  memohon keampunan kepada Allah daripada segala dosa.
(Praise be to Allah above all things, and I ask forgiveness of all sins to Allah)

Maka menulis oleh Allah baginya terlepas daripada api neraka dan dapat lalu di atas Sirat dengan selamat dan aman daripada azab dan meninggikan oleh Allah Taala baginya dengan tiap satu hari dan satu malam akan pangkatnya 40 orang mati syahid manakala adalah perempuan itu dikira berzikir kepada Allah Taala di dalam masa haidnya.

Source :

Friday, 20 April 2012

Living a life.

As salam.

Helloooo.... good morningg.....

Hey, perasan tak, berwajah baru. Lama sangat tak update belog ni. Sibuk. Penat. Masa online hanya untuk facebook dan news (gosip kan...heheee)

Sekarang ni masa memang selalu tak cukup. Tambah lagi bila dah jadi student. Penatnyaa!! Tiap minggu ada kelas. Bila takde kelas, ada pulak program Jabatan. Call it productive life!

Buat pertama kali dalam hidup sebagai anak, 5 bulan tak balik kampung! Family sibuk dah bertanya. Dulu akulah yang paling kerap balik Segamat. Boleh kata setiap minggu. Cuti umum sehari pun confirm balik. Aih, dua jam setengah je.... Tapi sekarang.... Ampunkan anakanda, wahai bonda dan ayahanda!

Okaylah, sekarang kena kemas rumah, basuh baju. And get ready untuk kelas petang ni. See ya.

Selamat beristirehat semua!

Update will be up later.