Sunday, 29 April 2012

Du'a is powerful.

Don't you realize that du'a is so powerful? 

We knew about it. Since our childhood we were told by our parents and teachers to pray and make du'a. But how far do we know about the powerful of du'a?

Truthfully, prior to this, I just made du'a and made du'a and made du'a.... And hopefully Allah will answer.

I remember one time. When I sat alone in my room. Silent. Praying to Allah. That time I felt sick. When I felt sick, it then dragged until a month. I prayed to Allah to give me a good health therefore I could perform my prayer well again. I kept on making du'a until I cried. I never felt so sincere like what I felt that time. MasyaAllah! In 3-4 days, I felt much better I just couldn't believe it! So amazing! Seriously incredible! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! 

Things to share. As referred to one speaker from YAPEIM. I think he's Ustaz.

Signs your du'a has been answered :

1. Understand your du'a.
2. Make du'a with all your heart. (Be sincere is important)
3. Try to remember your past mistakes/sins.
4. A quiet moment. (Alone)
5. Burst into tears. (Without you being conscious of it)
6. Will have a good blood circulation. (bulu roma meremang)

Du'a is important. We will feel very close to Allah. Make du'a for whatever things (good) you need and desire. And always believe Allah will fulfill your du'a. Never despair doing it. 

Because we are all servant and Allah is The Creator and Lord of the universe.

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