Time : Today. Morning. Not so early. But I woke up early! (Just a little brag)
Activity : Jogging Breakfast at TC.
Menu : 2 am risers. And am cheezy egg bun. And am twister. (Yes, we have a voracious appetite) And please don't share your am riser with anybody. Too scrumptious to share.
Actor : Me and husband. (Who else???)
The scenario :
1. Not so many people. Still sleeping I guess.
2. Talking about the world, politics, economy and society.... No, we didn't. Just some casual things.
3. Both busy with their smartphone. Okay husband, why don't you play with your phone and let me eat your am riser? I should order 2 of it.........
4. Done with entree. Now, he's looking at the tempting cheezy bun. But me not finished with my am riser yet. Not that I eat slowly but I enjoy our precious moment. Yes, me and am riser. Only the two of us.
5. Realize that he want to eat it first, I quickly gobble my riser up haha.
6. "You can eat it honey, you don't have to wait for me..." (Actually, you have to wait for me. We have to eat that together!)
7. Feel overstuffed. Have to take twister home. Have to. (I feel like eating it now.....but twister sleeps in the fridge..downstairs..why don't we have our fridge inside our bedroom dear?)
8. Finish our drinks before heading home.
9. Not so soon. We take our time with our own smart gadgets. Ah, they are bestfriend right?
10. Before leaving, "Yang, please put my phone in your porch bag okay? My hands are full.." He seems busy reading e-mail. Nevermind. He heard it. He will put it. He will.
"Yang, please give me my phone back. I want to snap a picture."
"Eh? I don't have your phone? With me right now?..."
"What are you talking about? I said just now.."
I LEFT MY PHONE (my baby kuci kuciii) IN THE RESTAURANT??!!
.....to be continued.
**i love this font by the way. clearer kan?