Monday 24 October 2011

From the kitchen.

For women, kitchen is their places. Nevertheless you are a corporate officer who rocks the corporate ladder, you must be at the kitchen when your husband needs you.

Heard this exasperating statement? A woman's place is in the kitchen.

Totally agreed! Woman should know their role.

No, I am not trying to deliberate this issue.

Just got back from kampung last couple of weeks. Not to brag, but I never failed to be in the kitchen when it is about lunch or dinner time. My mum will never screeching at us to cook with her. It depends on you whether you want to help her or not. I chose to help and be a Masterchef on my own.

I am pretty 'weak' in memorizing recipes. Forgetful. Indeed. I have to note down recipes and refer to it when needed. So, there will be soooo much to ask to my mum. How many shallots needed? We need garlic in this or not? Lemongrass? Haha.. She must be 'proud' of me!

There are so much tips she has shared and this time it is more like a reminder.

About mango.

What she told me?
"Anakku, buah mangga dari pokok yang kita tanam tu, tak elok dibuat masakan. Macam kerabu mangga tu tak boleh. Kita kena makan terus.

Sebab apa mak?

Nanti satu pokok rosak anakku. Buah rosak. Semua rosak.

Camne mak tau?

Orang dedulu cakap wahai anakku.

Mak dah cuba ke?

Belum lagi anakku sayang.

Hurm.......... apakata.....

Kau nak cari pasal ke?? (Dah takde istilah anakku dah!)

Hahaaaa! Yes, got it mak!"

Genuinely, I don't know whether it is true or not. And how far we should lay on these folk sayings. 

Pokok mangga mak.

Hurm..... but sometimes we need to have faith in them.

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