Monday 9 January 2012

Please kindly tick the following questions completely.....

It has been a while since I have been doing some survey at University...questionnaire....sample....oh dear..
And for the very first time in my working life, I did it again..
It was hard to recall.. but when your boss said, “Nanti awak buat ye. Yang simple je”, you have to do it right away. Nah, simplicity sometimes could be difficult kan?
Hate the habit of putting tasks off to the last possible minute, I buzzed my bestfriend – Google! (hehe)
Klik! Klik! Klik! Type! Type! Type! Connecting..... (why lah line too seloowwww) I remember...
"We need a bilingual questionnaire." Hah??
Okay, since I blog in English. This should be easy breezy right.
Why is so difficult to find just a simple word?? I felt neurotic about this.
Oh, whatever! Remember what she said. Simplicity is the key word. To remind, not a cosmetic.
The survey went over so well. I have it with me (the questionnaires) right now.
Woww, so many responses. Unbelieveable. Great bunch of people here. They were all hillarious too.
Hahahaaaaa... with typo (walhal dalam bahasa melayu pun salah eja?)...ridiculous suggestions...
Perfect Monday I guess. (until now- I have another  4 hours and half to go)
HAPPY WORKING! ( Kak Sara particularly, of course hehe =] )

1 comment:

nikki said...

yerks....tau lah nak p honeymoon....swiming trunk dah beli ker...tak pung i bagi yang i punyer jer...hahahahah...