Sunday 29 January 2012


I just started my so-called gym routine. 

Yesterday : 9 minutes of cycling. 3.1 km. 
Today my whole body is cramping. Aches all over. Why this happens? I did my exercises yesterday. I should feel healthier and energetic. 

Then, I turned to my bestfriend who got her exercises like everyday (every minute I guess), in a very discipline manner. VERY.

"Kau kena buat warm-up dulu sebelum cycling lah.."
"Oh, aku tak buat pun. Aku terus kayuh, dan kayuh, dan teruskan mengayuh haha!"

There you go. And I just google-d this ;

"Lets muscles know what's coming. Warming up may actually make you less sore the next day." (Source)

Actually I know the rules because I was an athlete when I was in primary/secondary school..

And now I just finished my cycling - another 9mins.
With a warm-up session before hehe.

Update : another 4mins. Gaahhhhh penat!

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