Wednesday 28 December 2011

No but, not butt.

I have tried myself not to write anything that sounds demotivating. But at the end of the day, we have right to write, aren't we?

I am getting old (I have said this trillion times!). I have been thinking what have I done with my life for the past 27 years.
Serious discussion for today hehe. :-SS nail biting

Contribution can wait. Talk about it later.

Now I would like to ask each and every one of you...

Do you ever speak without a "but"? Me? I've tried doing this. I failed.

I am married but...

I have a job now but...

I have a house but...

I have a car but...

I have a pretty satisfying salary but...

What with all that "but" people?

Why we have to use that word? Can't we say anything with no but? 

Can't we?

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